The storm howls—louder even than your engines, but not as loud as the monstrosities that call from within. The breach is almost open, and soon they’ll pour out. But they won’t find this world helpless. Between them and the innocent stand an oathbound defender: You. You and your spell-wrapped motorcycle, lovingly crafted and blessed revolver, and holy oath. For you are among the rare and elite protectors of Sancara: a gunslinger knight!
From a distance, the skyline shines with bright lights, vivid holo ads, and the glow of massive tower blocks. But down here on the broken streets it’s a cacophony of neon and gunfire, cyberware and sirens. And no matter your gear, guts, street cred—or hacking skills—you’re always just one sketchy job away from annihilation.
Dust devils swirl and dance along the tracks, the only motion visible aside from the sway of the station’s signboard. The townsfolk know to stay out of sight when the 10:17 rolls into town. The slow hiss of steam and tick-ticking of the boiler sound almost like a real train, but there’s a sinister edge to it. Just like the sinister, pinprick eyes under the stranger’s shadowed brim. Their fingers twitch slightly, just inches from the pearled handle of their revolver, as they step down from the farthest car and turn their fanged grey face in your direction.
Strange, dark times call for strange dark heroes—and these three new Cypher System titles deliver!

Monte Cook Games, the RPG industry leader in innovative and exciting crowdfunding campaigns, will launch three action-packed Cypher System titles through the Knights of Dust and Neon crowdfunding campaign, coming in March.
Each of these titles—Neon Rain, High Noon at Midnight, and Gunslinger Knights—will come with innovative supporting products that expand the experience with new adventures, setting content, creatures, characters, and more. These extras are being created specifically for the campaign’s backers, and may not be widely available after the campaign. Look for even more exciting expansions to be unlocked through stretch goals!
Cypher System fans will also clamor for new premium accessories, similar to the sorts of high-end items previously offered with the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game and The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game—but now being created for GMs and players of any Cypher System campaign. And with pledge levels specifically built for those new to the Cypher System, Knights of Dust and Neon will have something for every RPG gamer.
The Cypher System is on a roll, with additional exciting announcements to come before and during the Knights of Dust and Neon campaign. Keep an eye on the MCG website or social media for major announcements in coming days and weeks!
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