There are places in this world that humanity was never supposed to see—walled in by mountains of burning black rock, isolated by a choking canopy of poison flora, woods where tooth, claw, and hunger still sit atop the food chain. Long before our kind ever set foot in these mountains, when the peaks of the Blue Ridge towered above the stars, and the heart of the plateau still rolled with ridges tough as pine knobs, darkness was brought here in cages made of fear. Our tongues do not have the shape to speak the true names of what they are . . . and that’s are, not were. They are hunger, consumption, lust—all the things that settle under the heart and below the ribcage. They are the cancer that will one day eat the edges of this universe, and leave nothing in its place. They are not evil. They are not of Hell or the Christian Devil. They simply are.

Monte Cook Games and DeepNerd Media are excited to announce three new supplements for the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game: Dig Your Own Grave, All Your Gods Are Dead, and Come Hell or Highwater. These titles, along with other cool accessories and limited-edition items, will be offered through the Old Gods of Appalachia: Deeper Still crowdfunding campaign launching in August.
These new titles will help players and GMs create and run rich characters, adventures, and campaigns, and are steeped in the lore and atmosphere of the Old Gods of Appalachia world. Dig Your Own Grave will expand character options with all-new descriptors and foci, as well as detailed backgrounds and connections, additional equipment, and other game options for players and their characters. All Your Gods are Dead will be chock full of entities and items, plus new game mechanics and GM advice. Come Hell or Highwater will offer new adventures, plus locales, maps, and other resources for building adventures and campaigns of the GM’s invention.
In addition to these three supplements, the Old Gods of Appalachia: Deeper Still campaign will include exciting new accessories and limited-edition items that won’t be widely available elsewhere. It will offer pledge levels aimed at veteran players of the popular roleplaying game, plus levels for those new to the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game.
Don’t miss the campaign!
Sign up to be notified so you’ll be among the first to hear when the campaign launches. And get a unique gift with your rewards: A gorgeously designed metal pendant that is both an in-world object and a treasured piece for the GM to use at the table, Jack’s Fate is a physical token that embodies the new optional fate rules in the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game. This $30 value, in an exclusive finish, is a free extra for backers who sign up to be notified.