Looking to GM in 2025? Click here!
What’s the best part about GMing MCG games at our Cons?
The free badge? Free and exclusive stuff? The camaraderie among the amazing community of GMs? Hanging out with the MCG crew and designers? The games themselves?? The fantastic players??? There’s so much!
Our incredible community includes some of the best GMs you’ll find anywhere: fun, creative, and wonderful to hang around with. And when they join us at shows like Gen Con, Origins, or PAX Unplugged, we all have a great time. Hang out with the MCG staff, get free access to the show and some fab loot, and enjoy a few days of wonderful camaraderie and great gaming. Join us at one of the conventions we’re attending in 2024!

Here’s our 2024 lineup:
We have a great slate of conventions lined up for 2024. And demand for MCG games at these events is super high—we run hundreds of games every year, and virtually all of them sell out. That means we run a pretty heavy schedule at every convention—and lots of games require lots of GMs.
Here are the conventions we’re attending in 2024:
- CypherCon Dates 6 – 8 September online
- UK Games Expo May 31 – June 2; Birmingham, UK; www.ukgamesexpo.co.uk
- Origins June 20 – 23; Columbus, OH; www.originsgamefair.com
- Gen Con August 1 – 4; Indianapolis, IN; www.gencon.com
- Gamehole Con October 17 – 20; Madison, WI; www.gameholecon.com
- Dragonmeet November 30; London, UK; www.dragonmeet.co.uk
- PAX Unplugged December 6 – 8; Philadelphia, PA; unplugged.paxsite.com

Want to sign up?
Do you love Numenera, the Cypher System, No Thank You, Evil!, Stealing Stories for the Devil, and our other games? Do you love exciting game conventions filled with thousands of gamers and hundreds of games to try? Do you love running RPGs and welcoming new, enthusiastic gamers into our fantastic community? If so, we need you!
If you intend to be at any of the shows above, we’d love to have you GM with us! We ask that you be:
- 18 years of age or older (with exceptions, especially for No Thank You, Evil!);
- Friendly, kind, patient, trustworthy, helpful, outgoing, organized, well-groomed, and punctual; and
- Able to interact with many different personality types in a calm, friendly manner.
If that sounds like you, hit the link below and let us know you’re in!
We reward our GMs!
Running games with MCG is a blast, and the community of MCG GMs is wonderful and welcoming. Many of our GMs comment that hanging out and running games with each other and us is one of the most memorable aspects of their convention experiences. But that’s not all: We support our GMs with exclusive products, additional GMing supplies and swag, and free con badges.

For each convention, every GM who runs one or more standard game sessions1 gets:
- Exclusive early access to convention adventures. Depending on the convention, this is often an exclusive softcover book, not available in print anywhere else.
- At Gen Con and some of our other conventions, an invitation to our exclusive GM game night Wednesday evening, to hang out and game with MCG folk and our fabulous GMing community.
- All-con access to the MCG game room, where drinks, snacks, a place to relax for a moment, and camaraderie are always on hand! (Not all events have a dedicated game room, but we always have resources for you.)
Run two or more standard game sessions, and also get:
- A GM goodie bag, full of cool and useful stuff for GMs. (This typically includes about $50 worth of fun and useful stuff—including exclusives!)
Run three or more standard game sessions and we add:
- A GM badge. That’s right, your con admission is free!2
- Running four or more sessions? We often have really cool, truly exclusive goodies to express our thanks!
Of course, that’s in addition to being a part of a great community and hanging out with the MCG staff, along with the heartfelt thanks of the hundreds of gamers who will have a fantastic experience in our game room.
1 A standard game session is four hours, or the equivalent in shorter sessions (No Thank You, Evil! sessions are usually two hours long) or demos.
2 You may need to purchase a standard badge in advance. For example, if you’re getting a hotel room via the Gen Con system, you’ll need to purchase a standard badge first, and then swap that badge for your GM badge on Thursday of the con, where you’ll be refunded for the badge you purchased.
What happens when you sign up?
After you tell us you’re interested now, we’ll pencil you in. Then, in the months to come:

- We build our gaming schedules for these cons early in the year. Shortly after the convention approves our games, we’ll contact you to schedule the events you want to run, along with demo times and any similar activities. The exact date varies by convention—scheduling for Gen Con and Origins is usually around March, while other cons may differ.
- We provide you with the official adventures in PDF format a month or two ahead of the convention, and then in print, along with all the pre-generated characters and other handouts you’ll need, at the show.
- If applicable, come to the MCG GM Game Night the evening before the convention starts! Meet the other GMs and the MCG staff and play some great games. It’s also where you’ll pick up your swag and get important info on how things work (if you won’t be there that evening, don’t fret: we can make alternate arrangements).
- You run your games/demos, meet new gamers, and have a great time!
We can’t wait for these fun and exciting conventions—and we hope you’ll join us!