What’s the best part about GMing MCG games at Gen Con?
The free badge? Free and exclusive stuff? The camaraderie among the amazing community of GMs? Hanging out with the MCG crew and designers? The games themselves?? The fantastic players??? There’s so much!
Our incredible community includes some of the best GMs you’ll find anywhere: fun, creative, and wonderful to hang around with. Our Gen Con game room is like a four-day gaming party, and, side-by-side with the MCG staff, these GMs show the players a great time. And they have a great time themselves!
The only thing more fun than a fantastic Gen Con is a fantastic Gen Con spent with really great people! Won’t you join us? Read on for more details and to sign up!

We’re already planning for Gen Con 2023!
Demand for MCG games is super high at Gen Con—we run over a hundred events every year, and we always sell out our entire slate of events. So, by popular demand, we’re increasing our games yet again. Even more games require even more GMs.
Do you love Numenera, the Cypher System, No Thank You, Evil!, Stealing Stories for the Devil, and our other games? Do you love the best four days in gaming? Do you love running RPGs and welcoming new, enthusiastic gamers into our fantastic community? If so, we need you!
Want to sign up?
If you intend to be at Gen Con 2023, we’d love to have you GM with us! We ask that you be:
- 18 years of age or older (with exceptions, especially for No Thank You, Evil!);
- Friendly, kind, patient, trustworthy, helpful, outgoing, organized, well-groomed, and punctual; and
- Able to interact with many different personality types in a calm, friendly manner.
If that sounds like you, hit the link below and let us know you’re in!
We reward our GMs!
Running games at Gen Con is a blast, and the community of MCG GMs is wonderful and welcoming. Many of our GMs comment that hanging out and running games with each other and us is one of the most memorable aspects of Gen Con. But that’s not all: We support our GMs with exclusive products, additional GMing supplies and swag, and a free Gen Con badge.

Every GM who runs one or more standard game sessions1 gets:
- An invitation to our exclusive GM game night Wednesday evening, to hang out and game with MCG folk and our fabulous GMing community.
- An exclusive softcover book that includes all of the official MCG Gen Con 2023 adventures. This book won’t be available in print anywhere else.
- All-con access to the MCG game room, where drinks, snacks, a place to relax for a moment, and camaraderie are always on hand!
Run two or more standard game sessions, and also get:
- A GM goodie bag, full of cool and useful stuff for GMs. (While the details aren’t fully worked out yet, in past years they’ve contained about $50 worth of fun and useful stuff.)
Run three or more standard game sessions and we add:
- A GM badge. That’s right, your Gen Con badge is free!2
Of course, that’s in addition to being a part of a great community and hanging out with the MCG staff, along with the heartfelt thanks of the hundreds of gamers who will have a fantastic experience in our game room.
1 A standard game session is four hours, or the equivalent in shorter sessions (No Thank You, Evil! sessions are usually two hours long) or demos.
2 You may need to purchase a standard badge in advance (if you’re getting a hotel room via the Gen Con system, for example). You can swap that badge for your GM badge on Thursday of the con, and you’ll be refunded for the badge you purchased.

What happens when you sign up?
After you tell us you’re interested now, we’ll pencil you in. Then, in the months to come:

- If you tell us you’re interested in running your own adventures, or existing adventures published by MCG, we’ll contact you in December to get the basic information on your adventure. Then in January, we’ll contact you to get the full draft of your adventure.
- We submit all adventures to Gen Con in late January. Shortly after all the adventures are approved by Gen Con, we’ll contact you to schedule the events you’re running, along with demo times and any similar activities.
- We provide you with the official adventures in PDF format a month or so ahead of Gen Con, and then in print, along with all the pre-generated characters and other handouts you need, at the show.
- Come to the MCG GM Game Night, Wednesday evening at Gen Con! Meet the other GMs and the MCG staff and play some great games. It’s also where you’ll pick up your swag and get important info on how things work (if you won’t be there Wednesday evening, don’t fret: we can make alternate arrangements).
- You run your games/demos, meet new gamers, and have a great time!
We can’t wait to see you at Gen Con!
Want to run your own adventures?
We provide a slate of official MCG adventures, most of which are premiered at Gen Con and never before seen. Our plans for Gen Con 2023 adventures aren’t fully nailed down, but expect adventures for Numenera and the Cypher System, a block of Stealing Stories for the Devil games—a surprise hit at last year’s convention—as well as new or forthcoming 2023 releases such as Old Gods of Appalachia—and maybe an exciting surprise or two!
If you have your own Numenera or Cypher System adventure you’d like to run, or if you’d like to run any existing adventure published by Monte Cook Games, you can do it as an official event in our game room. Here’s how it works:
- Commit to run at least one session of an official MCG Gen Con 2023 adventure (below).
- Let us know how many sessions of your own adventure(s), or existing adventures published by MCG, you’d like to run. If you want to run an adventure of your own design, it will need to meet our content standards, work with three to six players, and run from start to finish in three-and-a-half to four hours.
- We’ll need more details from you. Expect to hear from us in December.
In early January, we’ll need to review a complete draft of your adventure. (We’ll provide guidelines for what that needs to include.) At that time, assuming it all looks good, we’ll submit it to Gen Con as an official MCG event!

What about Gen Con Online?
Right now we’re focused on arranging logistics for in-person Gen Con, which is far more complicated than its online cousin. We’ll have more information regarding Gen Con Online 2023 in late spring.