Invisible Sun on BackerKit for Backers and Pre-order Customers
Do you dream of escape, but you don’t know from what, or to where? Looking for a chance to escape […]
Invisible Sun on BackerKit for Backers and Pre-order Customers
Do you dream of escape, but you don’t know from what, or to where? Looking for a chance to escape […]
Invisible Sun on BackerKit for Backers and Pre-order Customers
Although Invisible Sun has been in the works for a long time, only now am I actually putting words to
Invisible Sun Design Diary 1: Stats
What Wonders Lie Beyond Earthly Boundaries? An ancient vessel sailing the darkness of night encounters a demon of the void. A distraught mother seeks
Depending on where you stood, the time of day, and your own state of mind, the Eye of Enthait looked
Moon Meld Us, Poison Eaters, And We Shall Shine
After a night of weird dreams, you wake up in a prison made of unpoppable balloons. Who put you there
No Thank You, Evil! The Adventures Continue
The Gods Have Fallen—Now It’s Your Turn As fledgling deities, the player characters must undertake divine labors to fulfill their
Gods once walked the world. From their mystical realm of Elanehtar, they brought plenty and pestilence. They judged the living
Gods Of The Fall Now Available In Cypher System Creator Program
At Gen Con 2016, the team at Monte Cook Games won ENnie Awards for Best Production Values (for the Numenera
Build a Character as Wondrous as the Ninth World Itself! In the tradition of the original Numenera Character Options, this book
This year, Monte, Shanna, and I were invited as guests to attend Dragon Con in Atlanta, Georgia. We attended the
One of the components of the Black Cube of the Invisible Sun game that we haven’t talked about much
I typically avoid the term “adventures” with Invisible Sun, because the stories told in this game are often not the
Seventeen Invisible Sun Stories