Beyond the Book: Transcending Difficulty 10 in Gods Of The Fall
Beyond the Book is a regular feature here on the Monte Cook Games website, discussing ways to use the Cypher System […]
Beyond the Book: Transcending Difficulty 10 in Gods Of The Fall
Beyond the Book is a regular feature here on the Monte Cook Games website, discussing ways to use the Cypher System […]
Beyond the Book: Transcending Difficulty 10 in Gods Of The Fall
Monte Says is a regular feature here on the Monte Cook Games website, in which Monte talks about topics related
Horror has been a part of RPGs since the early days—certainly since the initial release of Call of Cthulhu back
The Gods are Dead—Now It’s Your Turn There was a time when gods walked the world. Their magic pervaded the
Special Features is a regular column in which MCG team members discuss projects they’re working on, interesting MCG activities, or things that
Special Features: Want to Run a Game at Gen Con?
The Gods are Dead—Now It’s Your Turn There was a time when gods walked the world. Their magic pervaded the
Gods of the Fall: Breath of God
KantCon is the Kansas City area’s summer convention, held at the Overland Park Convention Center. Since its founding in 2009,
It is #MCGoctopiWeek here at Monte Cook Games! Octopi are intelligent, adaptable, and resilient creatures. Just reading their description on Wikipedia
Octopi Week at Monte Cook Games
The Secrets of a Billion-Year Empire If the seas have a ruler, it is the octopus. Their empire has outlived
Most game masters (GMs) take a lot of notes during an average game session. These notes usually contain things like: people
Fans of Numenera, The Strange, and the Cypher System roleplaying games, along with brick-and-mortar retailers carrying those lines in their
Monte Cook Games Announces Organized Play
Monte Says is a regular feature here on the Monte Cook Games website, in which Monte talks about topics related
Monte Says: The Twenty Sided Store