Your Game: The Asset Deck
Your Game is a regular feature here on the Monte Cook Games website, that talks about getting the most out […]
Your Game is a regular feature here on the Monte Cook Games website, that talks about getting the most out […]
Monte Says is a regular feature here on the Monte Cook Games website, in which Monte talks about topics related
Monte Says: Gotta Do My Homework
Monte Cook Games, LLC, and Angry Robot Books, award-winning global publisher of science fiction and fantasy, today announced that they have signed
Angry Robot Books to Publish Numenera and The Strange Novels
Beyond the Book is a regular feature here on the Monte Cook Games web site, discussing ways to use the Cypher
Beyond the Book: Using Skills to Paint a Picture
If you’ve ever wanted to play a god, Gods of the Fall is for you. It’s a setting in which player characters
Monte Says is a regular feature here on the Monte Cook Games website, in which Monte talks about topics related
Gods! Dinosaurs! Superheroes! Last week we announced the launch of a new line of products supporting the Cypher System Rulebook.
Explore Worlds of the Cypher System
Cult of the Sleeper. Arete. Order of Redemption. House of Virtue. What are they up to in your world? No organization is
Cults, Factions, and Syndicates
Special Features is a regular feature here on the MCG website, in which MCG team members discuss projects they’re working on, interesting
Special Features: Nerd Culture—Respecting What Others Enjoy
You’ve probably already heard about Worlds of the Cypher System. Holy cats, are we excited! Now, we at MCG have been
Getting the Word out about Worlds
Player Perspectives is a regular feature here on the Monte Cook Games website, penned by guest writers—players of Numenera, The
Player Perspectives: The Happiest Place On Earth for Four Days
Update: We’ll offer achievement rewards during the campaign—and you can start earning them NOW. Help the campaign thrive and increase your
Coming Soon! Worlds of the Cypher System Kickstarter Campaign