Thank You
Thanks, everyone, for a great week. The Strange Kickstarter has surpassed $178K (exceeding Numenera at this rate!), The Devil’s Spine […]
The Strange Kickstarter campaign began last Wednesday. How can I express how excited and happy I am at the level
The Strange Kickstarter 10-21-13
So as most of you probably know, I ran a Kickstarter campaign last year for Numenera that was quite successful.
About two weeks ago, Shanna and I wrapped up our ULTIMATE RETAILER tour in Asheville, NC. Asheville is a beautiful
The Kickstarter for our new Cypher System game, The Strange, launched today at 8:17 AM Pacific Time.
All of us at Monte Cook Games are incredibly excited that we’re going to be launching a Kickstarter next week
Two weeks ago, Shanna and I visited Kirwan’s Game Store in Catskill, NY, as a part of our fulfillment of
ULTIMATE RETAILER: Kirwan’s Game Store
It begins simply enough. Doesn’t it always? A nobleman’s estate needs tending in his absence. But what secrets lurk in
At the end of last week, we started shipping print copies of the Devil’s Spine to the backers who purchased it
The Devil’s Spine Off to Backers
We’ve seen a lot of fantastic Numenera-related stuff lately. So much that it’s hard to stay on top of everything.
Fantastic Reception, Wonderful Resources