We’ve moved into our new warehouse and started fulfilling the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game. Preorders have opened for The Weird, and today sees the launch of the inaugural CypherCon. Whew! What a week!
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We have awesome news about the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game, including loads of fun photos. But before we get to that…
CypherCon Is Here!
The first-ever CypherCon is the virtual gaming convention held on the Cypher Unlimited Discord and centered around the Cypher System. It starts today, and runs through the next three weekends!
Join us 7-11 p.m. CDT Friday through Sunday this weekend, next weekend, and the first weekend in August, to play in any of dozens of great Cypher System adventures. And if you’re new to the Cypher System? No problem. CypherCon GMs are ready to teach the system, and the community is excited to welcome new members!

CypherCon is the perfect opportunity for all those gamers out there who want to dip their toes into the Cypher System but haven’t had a chance. If that sounds like you, sign up for a game now!
Already in love with the system? Join us for a game, or consider GMing and welcoming shiny new players into our supportive community! New to the Cypher System or an old hand—either way we want you at CypherCon!
(If you’re not a member of the Cypher Unlimited Discord, join now. Even if you can’t make CypherCon, it’s the best place to be for all things Cypher!

Get Ready to Get Weird
Think back to when you first started playing RPGs—whether that was six months ago, or thirty years back. They were exciting, new, and utterly captivating, right? Filled with wonder, imagination, and the unexpected—something vibrant and intriguing around every corner.
The trick to retaining that sense of wonder is to keep things fresh—to always have an element that defies expectation. We call that the weird. That unusual twist that paints things in a new light and keeps your game engaging and memorable. But whether you’re new to gaming or a multi-decade veteran, it can help to have a little inspiration in that regard.
That’s what The Weird gives you: over 10,000 prompts (closer to 12,000 actually) for adding a twist to literally anything in your game. They’re organized by genre and degree of weirdness, so you can quickly find ideas that fit your needs and fire your imagination no matter the style or genre of your game. The Weird will help you make your game—any game—more engaging and memorable. And it’s on preorder now!

We’re in Our New Warehouse!
Over the past two weeks we moved our North American warehouse from its old location—we’d been there for almost exactly six years—into our new site. The new space has well over twice the capacity, and it’s really pretty and pleasant as well. Here’s a look at the move:
- The bulk storage area is ready to go!
- The pick-and-pack space just needs a coat of paint.
- Here comes the pallet racking, delivered via our awesome new loading dock.
- Teen Labor Force starts putting it together.
- Back at the old site, we rented an extra forklift to keep things moving quickly.
- Pick-and-pack starts to take shape.
- And the shelves begin to fill up.
- Tilly and Max check out the new digs!
- How did it get so full so quickly?
- Well, this might have something to do with it…
We’re still in the process of moving in—there seems to be an infinite amount organizing and putting away to do. But during this process, we only paused shipping for one day—getting your orders and crowdfunding rewards into your hands in a timely manner remained our top priority. And speaking of your rewards…
Old Gods of Appalachia Has Arrived!
We weren’t even done with our move-in when the first load of the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game reached our new warehouse. An entire semi-truck full of the standard edition of the book! In total, including a few pallets of the Old Gods of Appalachia Player’s Guide, the shipment came to 31 pallets (see that last photo above). How big is that?
- We only had about 75 pallets in total beforehand—so this increases our total by almost 50%!
- This is the second-biggest delivery we’ve received in 11 years in business. Only the original printing of Invisible Sun was bigger. (And that game came in a 30-pound box!)
- The fulfillment of the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game will be one of the largest RPG fulfillments ever, by any publisher.
Speaking of fulfilling…
And Now It’s Heading Out to Backers!

We have the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game, the Old Gods of Appalachia Player’s Guide, and the promo scrip coin in-hand—and that means it’s time to fulfill to crowdfunding backers! In fact, even while our intrepid warehouse staff was continuing the move-in process (and keeping orders flowing), we began prepping for fulfillment—the team pre-packed six pallets worth of packages. Fulfillment of the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game is well underway. If you’re a backer, check the latest campaign update for details on the process.
Speaking of the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game…
Preorders Are Still Open!
Did you miss the crowdfunding campaign for this unique RPG of intimate horror? No problem, friend: preorders are still open. And once we’re through fulfillment, we’ll begin to ship preorders—a week or two before street date. Get your copy early—preorder today!