Monte Cook Games will be at PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia, PA, in December.
PAX Unplugged is a high-energy three-day event with an amazing exhibit hall and an endless supply of games and events—it’s arguably the second-biggest tabletop gaming convention in the US, following Gen Con. The location in downtown Philadelphia is amazing, and the con is directly connected to the legendary Reading Street Market, so the food can’t be beat!
We’ll have a booth in the exhibit hall, and tons of adventures and demos. More details TBD.

If you’re just looking to give a new game a try, we’ll also have loads of demos. No registration needed—just drop by and we’ll fit you in!
(If you love running MCG games, we’d love to have you join our cadre of fantastic GMs. It’s fun and the perks are great! Find more details and sign up here.)