Help! GMs Needed!

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Help! GMs Needed!


Eight dangerous adventure sites that connect to the datasphere Inside a maze of steel and crystal pillars lurk demons and


Game Design Challenge: Converting Ptolus Part 2

Converting Ptolus wasn’t simply a matter of opening the original files, updating the rules information, and sending the revised files off to the printer—it took a lot of work and attention to detail, all with the dual intentions of preserving the feel of the original Ptolus and making sure that the new versions were as user-friendly as possible.

Game Design Challenge: Converting Ptolus Part 2

Game Design Challenge: Converting Ptolus Part 1

Converting Ptolus wasn’t simply a matter of opening the original files, updating the rules information, and sending the revised files off to the printer—it took a lot of work and attention to detail, all with the dual intentions of preserving the feel of the original Ptolus and making sure that the new versions were as user-friendly as possible.

Game Design Challenge: Converting Ptolus Part 1

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