2018 has been very exciting so far!
Invisible Sun, Numenera Discovery, and Numenera Destiny are all in fulfillment and being played around the world. We started a Twitch channel. And recently 5,591 backers decided to help us bring Your Best Game Ever and a ton of new Cypher System products into existence!
To gear up for all the great products we’ll be making next, we’re taking a little time off to spend with our friends, families, and loved ones.
MCG will be closed from Monday, September 10th to Sunday, September 17th. Our webstore, warehouse, and customer service will remain open during this time, but we may not respond to emails or inquiries until after we return, and our website and social media will be a little quiet.
We can’t wait to return to work refreshed and ready to tackle the wondrous projects we have ahead of us, and we can’t wait to catch up with you when we’re back!