Monte Cook Games is a small company, and we can only be in so many places at once. That’s why we rely on the MCG Asset Team to help us reach new players and show people our newest products. The Asset Team is a group of more than a hundred GMs all over the world who run game demos for us at game stores, conventions, campus game clubs, and libraries.
These GMs love gaming, and they are great at giving players an awesome Cypher System experience at the table. If a store or convention contacts us because they need people to run Numenera, The Strange, a Cypher System event, or No Thank You, Evil!, we reach out to the Asset Team to find someone who’s in the area. Other Asset Team GMs help their friendly local game stores start up the latest season of Cypher Play.
We’re always looking to have more people join the Asset Team, in all parts of the USA (we have at members in every state) and the rest of the world (Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Switzerland, and more!). Asset Team members get store credit at the MCG shop, exclusive free adventures, early access to special releases (like our Free RPG Day adventure), and access to a special Asset Team store with limited-edition and exclusive items. Asset Team responsibilities include finding friendly local game stores and conventions interested in hosting MCG games, arranging demos at game stores and conventions, recruiting other talented GMs for the Asset Team, and participating with MCG in social media.
It’s convention season, and people have more time for fun activities. If you’ve thought about running or plan to run an MCG game at a convention, game store, or gaming club, why not join the Asset Team and get some RPG freebies? More details about the Asset Team and the link to the application are here.